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mine said:
archer9234 said:

That's right on a lot of things. Not the GC adapter. That was up for preorder when they first anounced it. You had months and months to preorder it. Yeah, you can argue. "But I didn't know it was gonna be limited." Just get use to preordering stuff. I got my PS4 on launch day, because I preordered it the day it revealed. And I got my GC adapter. Didn't have to buy the bundle, or pay rediculess prices for one. Because I preorded the game and adapter, when they first came up to do it.

So what? You excuse Nintendo disability to stuff their channels with the right amount of GCC adapters by saying "you had month and months to preorder it".

the GCC adapter ISN'T LIMITED and it is ESSENTIAL for most Smash gamers...

Yes. You had half a year to preorder one. Plus, right before launch the stocks were going out. Smash is a huge game. Why would you not protect yourself from sell outs. Weather it's the game, GC controller, or adapter. Whenever I buy stuff that I know will have a high demand. I don't take chances. I preorder, and worry about getting the money later on. I was badly burned with Wii, when it came out. I had to wait intill April, pay a higher price, and get a box that had a hole in it. Waiting in restock lines. Only to find out they sold out 30 mins before I got there. The staff didn't care to notify anyone.