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Age of Empires 2

marco- all map explored

polo- fog of war eliminated

cheese steak jimmy's- 1000 food

lumberjack- 1000 wood

robin hood- 1000 gold

rock on- 1000 stone

torpedo- type # of desired player, no spaces after torpedo, to kill that player

black death- you win instantly as everyone dies

wimpy wimpy wimpy- you die utterly and completely and lose

Now for the fun ones:

natural wonders- become nature, hawks explore but aren't units, if all land animals die you lose, even deer can attack by nibbling

to smithereens- summon petard, a suicide bomber

how do you turn this on- summon car with machine guns

i love the monkey head- summon a naked man that runs faster than anything, even the car, crosses biggest maps in seconds, does nothing else whatsoever


I'm a dirty, dirty cheater. I'm sure I missed one, though. Know what's fun? Open chat, enter the car code but don't enter, instead ctrl+c to copy first, then just enter, ctrl+v, enter, as fast as you can, army of cars in a minute, raze entire maps without moving your starting villagers. Never gets old.


Edit: remembered some more

aegis- everything builds and researches instantly, for you and your enemy

i r winner- win without killing anyone

resign- lose immediately without dying


I think I'm still missing some, but those were all the ones I used, for the most part.