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People that were in high school and college for the Halo 1 and 2 era are now in their 30s with careers and kids. I think that some games are overexposed (COD), but Halo may have actually suffered by a little bit of underexposure.

Just talking mainline games, Xbox OG had two Halo titles in the system's lifespan of '01-'05. 360 had two Halo titles in a dramatically larger lifespan of '06-'13 (just talking about how gen7 is primarily an also-ran at this point). The really big Halo fans will be on board, but truth be told, I think that number will decline. So we should expect somewhere between MCC and Halo 4 numbers for Halo 5.

It will sell a lot, but the time is way past done since it is a record-buster like the days of 2 and 3, or even 4.

I think if it had stuck to roughly a bi-annual mainline release schedule, it would have retained more energy. If you wait too long, anticipation turns to ambivalence or even antipathy. You end up with a cult-like hardcore that INSIST on a bunch of things that become dated and off-putting to new players, and that results in games that are a mixed bag for everyone. To the old die-hards it's 'not authentic enough', whereas to the 15yo who is awaiting the next FPS bloodbath twitchfest 'it's too old fashioned'. I recently talked to a new Xbox One owner who had no idea that there was an Xbox before the 360. To him, the 360 was ancient, and the PS4, PC, and WiiU were (expletive-laden tirade removed). He loves Ghosts and AW, hated MCC.