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kinisking said:
Aura7541 said:

Well, the value of the standalone X1 from the AC bundle varied depending on what kind of deal each retailer offered. Let's say the total value of AC: Unity + Black Flag equals $80 (and I'm being generous here). Subtract that from the original $350 pricetag, the value of the standalone console is $270. Remember when Target offered $50 in free game credit on Black Friday? The bundle's price was also cut to $330. Subtracting the $80 from games and $50 for the game credit, the value of the standalone X1 equals $200.

So throughout the holiday season, the value of the X1 varied between $200-$270 depending on what kind of deal you got. Yes, the PS3 also got a significant price cut within its first year. However, the X1's value was nearly half of its initial value during the holidays ($500), sometimes even half of the initial price of the standalone console ($400)!!

When you look at this in perspective, while it gave the X1 spectacular sales in November and December, it also skewed consumer perception of the value of the system when the deals ended. Basically, why get one now when I know that I can definitely get a much, much better deal next holiday season?

I'm pretty sure most people were buying it for the console. Not the games. Most people already played black flag and unity is broken. Not a ton of extra value there. 

Um... most consumers bought the bundle for the value. Whether Black Flag was a year old game and Unity a broken one, they still added a lot of value. Also, "most" is a vast overstatement. "A lot"? Yes, but to imply that there aren't people who hasn't played Black Flag yet is misleading and false. While Unity is broken, it's still a free game and you know how popular the Assassin's Creed franchise is.