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Having played nothing but Halo MCC campaign over the holidays and this week I decided to unwrap my copy of Destiny and give it a go.

Let me tell you the transition has not been good, any complaint about Halo story is gone after playing Destiny. Destiny doesn't even bother trying to create a story, it's just throw the right into the action while without never really explaining anything. The fighting system may be decent in Destiny, I do enjoy the FPS-RPG type system, but one major flaw is how shallow the experience quickly become being stuck using the same gun for the entire missions. To make matter worst Destiny firefight are design to be played in group of 2-3, but since I have no friends playing Destiny and the game doesn't have any group match making this is very frustrating especially once you wonder off and get into an area above your current level. The game kept giving me new mission above my level and it became a very slow grind to clear any room.

I'm only level 8, hopefully the game open up but boy let me tell you I miss HALO. After playing Destiny and remembering the blast I had playing Halo MCC (put in over 100 hrs already).... I am super hype for Halo 5. I played quite a bit of the Halo 5 Beta, 343 is going to nail the multiplayer experience this time around. It's already so much better then the Halo 4 MP. The new ability are really easy to get accustom and I really enjoy that every playing on the same level playing field.

If anything Halo 5 now has the potential to be better then even Halo 2. Halo 4 made by 343 is by far the best Single player Halo. Now, they seem to have really done an amazing job on the multiplayer.

I think the OP is wrong Halo is going to be bigger then it's ever been.