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jlmurph2 said:
thedawghousev2 said:
jlmurph2 said:

Says faggot 9 times in the first 35 seconds, video wasn't taken down. I'm sure Youtube knew what he meant.

lol i watch smokeydogg, he's said on many occasions that he has no problem with gay people and he doesn't use faggot to bash gay people. he's also a huge troll, not even a playstation fanboy.

Well I don't see it that way if I click on a vid like that and the recommended videos are littered with Xbox bashing.

Considering all the mistakes ms made and the popular ps4 launch it's no surprise the majority of them are bashing xbox.  That video was dissing kinect and some Xbox mafia. In the same video he dissed the ps move and any potential playstation mafia groups.  He's not a biased fanboy like crapgamerreviews