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riderz13371 said:
Ryudo said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Thats was indeed the case until companies such as Ubisoft woke up one day and said "You know what we are going to do, we are gonna do things in a special and unique way that will shake up the industry and change the minds of gamers forever! We are going to start downgrading our games from their inital trailers as they get closer to release cause we love eating puppies for breakfast!"

Naughty Dog does it with the uncharted series.

Oh look, another misinformed person who has no idea what they're talking about but still feels the need to post this useless picture.

Do you realize that is a cutscene? Do you realize Naughty Dog never used in game cutscenes, and therefore what they "Downgraded" was essentially a video. 

If you can show me proof of a downgrade when it's IN GAME (I.E actually playing the game) then I'll say you're right, but for now you're just another person with a failed attempt at trying to show Uncharted 3 was downgraded.

Hey look someone in the sony section getting pissy because of broken promises that was also done with TLOU AI. And you kinda proved the point I was making. They even had to downgrade a cutscene and even in game cutscene use higher rez models but they could not even deliver that and it's kinda funny they show at E3 something as a promise and we get something less that is exactly the same as Ubi. TLOU AI is another huge example. E3 showed adaptive human AI. Final product it's like shooting fish in a barrel with them either running right at you or 5 feet away with you behind them and they don't know you are there.

ND is no different than any other AAA broken promises devloper and I know far more about gaming then you could know lol

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