BHR-3 said: xb1 cant outsell ps4 with only a 50 cut they need 100 or a 50 with 2 games even at 330-350 and two games and ps4 at 400 sales where pretty close as seen after christmas ps4 was able to stay close i believe ms know this thats why they didnt keep the 350 price it would still get beat or be close from jan - oct while costing MS money so they'll have a meaningful cut later in the yr when HW cost get even lower i believe ms will go to 300 this yr permanent sometime in the summer of fall while ps4 goes to 350 during the fall in time for uc4, sales should be close during the holidays but xb1 will have the edge |
there is pretty much no doubt that ms will drop to $300 this year. only problem is that Sony is more than likely going to do the same. And with how well the have sold so far, the uptick in PS+ stubs, the amount of games they are selling, Sony is in a damn fine position to drop the price. And the would want to do a meaningful price drop.
Real question is when will ms drop its price? if the leave it at $400 with the kinda months the PS4 is about to start having from January through to March, they will get slaughtered. if they officially drop it by $50 around e3, then they put themselves in a position where they may have to drop again for Xmas, cause I don't think a $350 XB1 with no free game will sell better than a PS4.
with their evolve and witcher partnerships, I suspect that while leaving it at $400 for now they would bundle those games with the XB1. as it stands, they basically have to bundle a game with the XB1 for it to at least sell as well as the PS4.