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Parts of Tomb Raider just don't feel right to me. I get that it's an action game, but this lady gets seriously punished during the game. It's borderline sadistic fetish, and it's so predictable at times, you're like "oh look a it's going to break" - or "hey there's something falling from the sky, bet it's going to fall on me"
It's like those scenes at the end of some videogames where everything is crumbling and you have to escape. Except in TR, it's the whole game. And of course, even if you do make it past the event, LC smacks into a wall at 20 miles per hour, or lands on a spike, or is otherwise brutally injured in a way that would be fatal to most people.

There were instances like these in Uncharted as well, but mostly they were man-made pitfalls, not the whims of happenstance.