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PC Discussion - PC advice - View Post

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
vivster said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Well, that PC would certainly run it like cray cray but imo, it would be better if you were to wait a little longer before buying a new PC. The 8gb version of the 970/980 series should be released this year, DDR4 should also be released this year and granted the difference isn't zomfg compared to DDR3 but for future upgradability purposes, I highly recommend waiting for DDR4. And USB 3.1 should also be released this year and it has twice the throughput as USB 3.0!

So it would be really great if you could wait just a little longer for even more of a kickass PC

Sorry, but that's just nonsensical. Not only is DDR4 currently a bad idea since it's actually slower than DDR3 in some scenarios it will literally not make a difference at all. I also don't know what you would achieve with 8GB of VRAM on a single gpu. By the time 4GB aren't enough anymore it's time for a new GPU anyway.

The money saved by not getting DDR4 and overpriced GPUs could be put to better use in an upgrade from 970 to 980 which will actually make a big difference.

Well, I did say the difference isn't zomfg and the main reason I am telling him to wait for DDR4 is for future upgradability when DDR3 will more or less get discontinued or when DDR4 will outdo DDR3. And if that other dude is right, an AMD 380X might come out this year. The point I was trying to get across was that if he waited a little longer, it would be better in the long run for him if he could. And more VRAM is generally better for higher resolution gaming

It's doubtful if the 390 will come out before The Witcher releases. Waiting is a very bad habit when it comes to hardware. The best hardware is the one that is available when you need it. If it's available by then I'd opt for that too.

DDR3 will not be discontinued for at least another 5 years. The reason is that DDR4 is absolutely useless for now and the next years as it will not make any difference in gaming whatsoever. The only difference it makes is in your wallet. Buying DDR4 for your gaming PC is like buying enterprise SSDs for your home computer.

Current GPUs are not strong enough for higher resolution gaming anyway. Before the VRAM bottlenecks the GPU will be at its limit. 8GB GPUs are meant for SLI/CF.

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