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pokoko said:
You know why microtransactions are there? Because people use them. If people did not use them then they would not be there. That's how business works. Demand propagates supply.

In that respect, the only ones to blame here, if you want to cast blame, are the consumers who indulge in microtransactions. However, those people have as many rights as consumers as anyone else.

I don't see the problem as long as a game does not DEPEND on microtransactions to function correctly. If the game is the same experience for me as if it did not have them to begin with then I'm satisfied. Even better if a lazy rich kid is subsidizing gaming for me by putting more money into developer's pockets.

I think I must be one of the few people who want studios and publishers to make money, so they can keep producing games, so I can keep playing.

but what is if people use them because they dont know any other way of gaming anymore? What you think someone will look at gaming in 10 years from now being born when the xbox 360 was launched? Those people wont even know the concept of how games used to be, owning them or playing games with their own skill instead with their wallets. 

They become more while we are getting less and older.