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The Division's 2013 trailer shown blew me away in terms of graphics (lighting, physics etc) though the player interactions did seem highly unrealistic and staged. Its an MMO even though they are trying to pull off complete immersion. The game is also open world, and if its one thing ubisolft loves it's open world collectathons.

I just have a hard time believing that this game will be anything special since the graphics will be inevitably downgraded to be playable on consoles and the interesting mechanics and locations will probably be choked by the unrelenting persistence of Ubisofts open worlds.

As we all know Ubisoft are the masters of overhyping their games to the levels of the second coming yet they all seem to underdeliver in the most disappointing ways. Good examples are Watch Dogs which had some of the most shallow mechanics and interactions I have ever seen, and Assassins Creed Unity that is the same game we have all played for the past 8 years. What do you guys think about The Division?