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The only thing given now is:
- that the PS brand will be far far from the 70% market share at the end of this generation

- that the 360 is selling way better than the Xbox, growing YOY, and is on course (0.5bn profit every quarter) to recoup losses by 2010 (even though it has been explained time and time again this is sunk costs, so it hardly justifies Microsoft's business decisions)

- the 360 and the Wii have the best games now, maybe you guys have money growing on your trees, but keeping up with games on one system is already very demanding on your wallet and I know if I had a PS3 now, I would be very bored

- Microsoft Games Studios is shifting away from PC to 360 so theres no way they are goin to U-turn on this strategy by making the 360 defunct

- there is a lot of PSterone on this thread