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Good read.

I consider every rumor to be false by default, unless proven otherwise and for now this one is no different. It looks detailed enough, however I looked at the map and Lake Biwa, but I'm not seeing it. Suppose this is true, then I'm slightly disappointed by the lack of Ganon, but a clear reference like in Skyward Sword would make it somewhat better. I still feel Ganon deserves to be in the franchise's first HD game, and the game that seems like it takes most of the original NES game since, well, the original game. The world sounds good, and different mounts is good. Lastly I hope they won't stray too far from the regular Zelda-dungeon formula, but the non-linearity and the enemies in dungeons changing depending on your order sound good.

Like I said though, I'm taking it with a mountain of salt .