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Most famous example: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
I played it only a few years ago for the first time, and to make it short: Every aspect of this game is just as fantastic as fans claimed. One of the best games ever created and still feels fresh today.

Most recent - actually current - example: The Wolf Among Us.
Started it today thinking it might probably be quite overrated (metacritic 85 afaik). Finished 4 of the 5 chapters in one straight session. The game is not a masterpiece by any means, but wow, I have to admit Telltale is really good at making interactive movies (I enjoyed this way more than Heavy Rain, the only other interactive movie I ever played). TWAU is a very entertaining game, has great characters (credit goes to the creator of the comics series "Fables" here, not Telltale), dialogues, "editing/directing" and a very well done modern film noir atmosphere.