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Well probably Super Mario RPG. It was my first RPG and to this day it's still one of my favorites and it's still in my top ten games of all time.

To comment on the OP, Super Metroid is the game that most exceeded my expectations since I had none when I bought Super Metroid. It was my first Metroid of course and I was blown away. I became a Metroid maniac overnight.

On a side note, FF7 is getting more and more underrated it seems. There was a quote I read on GameFAQs on one of the top ten lists summing up nicely what's happening to FF7. I think it was a quote from a football commentator. Something like:

"FF7 is a game so overrated, it got underrated from being overrated"

The idea being that people like it so much and still do as one of their favorite games if not their favorite that the opposite side who bash it and try to hopelessly downplay it at every turn keep making it less "overrated" the more they do it.

There aren't even that many people on the internet praising FF7 anymore because a lot of them have moved on to other games or with their lives, but still hold it in their hearts and minds.