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arcaneguyver said:
vivster said:
arcaneguyver said:
Good topic; have been looking into piecing a rig together this year, and I figure if you're getting a gaming PC, don't half ass it. Looks like 1.5-2k is roughly what you need.

If it's about money you can get a really good rig for 1k. Everything above includes premium hardware like high quality mainboards, cases and PSUs. Diminishing returns start very early when building a PC. For example people going with $400+ CPUs when it's only 5% more powerful than the $200 one.

Well, I need to finish paying my car off (this summer!!!!) before I can 'safely' drop $300+/- a month on parts for six months. So far looking at...

- Intel i7-470K 4.0GHz processor
- Asus Maximus VI Hero motherboard
- 2x G.Skill Sniper Gaming Series  16GB (2x8GB)
- Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD
- Barracuda 2TB HD
- GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX video card

...but now that I'm looking at it, it'll probably qualify as just a mid-range PC. I imagine I should go for a better video card & CPU.

It's not midrange, though it's not high end either. It's the performance segment. Highend would be either 980 SLI or whatever becomes of big maxwell.

If you have the money upgrade to a 980 or depending when it's released maybe a 390X. Also depending on your PC gaming habits I would strongly recommend getting a bigger SSD. You should have your games running on the SSD and since it is usually also housing your OS you will run out of space very quickly. I currently use a 256GB SSD of which 128GB are reserved for games and I have to uninstall constantly.

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