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10) Final Fantasy X. I loved  this game's story, I found it really interesting and memorable, I liked the characters (my favorites are Auron, Lulu and Yuna). The battle system was really good, while it's turn-based it feels really fast paced, also it was great to be able to switch characters during a battle. I liked the  sphere grid too (even though it starts in a linear way but it opens up a lot later in the game). The music is great.

9) Chrono Trigger. An epic experience, the story was really interesting and I found the characters endearing (my favorites are Frog and Luca), also I loved travelling to the different eras of Crono's world. The battle system is really fun, I like how there aren't random encounters and instead the enemies are visible on the main map,  and the idea of the double and triple techs is awesome. The visuals are amazing and ageless and dat soundtrack, soooooo great.

8) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This game is really divisive but personally I loved it. The dungeons are greatly designed (dat Ancient Cistern), they had many brilliant puzzle ideas like the ones involving the Timeshift stones or the flying beetle. The boss battles were awesome, I loved the battles against Ghirahim and Koloktos. The world areas were great too, the Lanayru desert is a masterpiece. Another thing that I loved were the sidequests in Skyloft (the ones that you do to get Gratitude Crystals), they were really interesting.

7) Kid Icarus: Uprising. This game impressed me a lot, I loved the combat and level design in the ground sections (but I liked the flying sections too) , I liked how there were different strategies to beat the enemies and the boss battles were amazing, the weapons fusion system was great too. The story was interesting and I liked the characters a lot (my favorites are Viridi, Pandora and Hades), the dialogues were sooooo good, some of them were really funny, and the visuals are amazing for a 3DS game.

6) Kingdom Hearts. I found this game charming and really memorable, I loved the worlds a lot and liked the platforming, my favorite world is Hollow Bastion, which I'd say is my favorite world from any KH game, I enjoyed the combat too though it's pretty simple compared to the combat in later KH games.  The story was good, so full of heart and charm, and the soundtrack is great.

5) Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. This game is really a blast to play, the battle system is so very well done, aspects like the commmands deck and the commands melding (allows you to gain abilities) are really great, I spent alot of hours just melding and leveling-up commands. Another thing that I liked was that the story wasn't that convoluted and it had many moving moments and I liked to see it from the different perspectives of the three playable characters (Aqua, Ventus, Terra) .Also the Commands Board is really fun to play (it's a board game where you can level-up commands if you don't want to grind)

4) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This game is really great. Firstly, the dungeons are amazing and very well designed (I even liked the Water temple), I loved the atmosphere and music in everyone of them, my favorites are the Forest Temple (my favorite Zelda dungeon ever, dat music) and the Spirit Temple. The boss battles are also great (my favorite is Twinrova) and the soundtrack is fantastic, so many memorable themes. Also this game's pacing is great, it doesn't have long intros or filler fetch quests. The story is simple yet charming.

3) Kingdom Hearts II. This game occupies a special place of my heart mainly because it was the first KH game I played, I still remember the first time I played the Roxas part, it was so moving and nostalgic  and the part where Roxas says that his summer vacation is over almost made me cry. I loved visiting the different Disney worlds even though in this game they were more linear than in KH1. The combat in this game is really  fluid and fun, I love how you can make combos of both magic and physical attacks and I liked the idea of the limits and drive forms a lot.

2) Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. This game is amazing, what I liked the most about it was its world, it was so big and beautiful, I loved exploring it and finding secret areas or hidden treasure chests, the story was relatively simple but it had a lot of charm and memorable moments,  I liked the combat (which is turn-based) and the tension system. The characters are awesome  (my favorites are Angelo and Yangus) and the voice acting is great. The soundtrack of this game is godly, I loved it so much and the game's  cel-shaded art style is beautiful.

1) Xenoblade Chronicles. My favorite game ever, this game's scope is so impressive, I loved how its world was so big and explorable, discovering new areas was  really satisfying (the game even gives you experience points if you discover new areas). The whole concept of travelling across two giant titans is really original. Also I loved how the areas changed visually at night, and the music changed too. I liked the battle system as well as the gems crafting system, which helps you to improve your equipment. I found the story interesting and liked the characters a lot (my favorites are Riki and Dumban). Also its soundtrack is soooooo great, one of my favorites.