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generic-user-1 said:
sc94597 said:
generic-user-1 said:
sc94597 said:
generic-user-1 said:
sc94597 said:
Kerotan said:
Captain_Tom said:
Mr.Playstation said:

 Can you play all recent games released at 1080P/60fps with everything on high? If yes, how much money did you spend on your rig?

That's really a silly question.  Most games have a few "Overkill" settings there for those who have Uber rigs or for those who play the game a few years from now.  They really aren't neccessary to get 95% of the graphics quality most of the time.


I will just say this:  To play modern games in 1080p at 60 FPS with High-Ultra settings an $800 or $1000 rig would be fine. 

That price tag is the reason consoles still sell so well. A lot of people need to save up just to buy a 300-400 console.

But for half the price of his PC you can play games at high/ultra 30 fps 1080p. All you need is a $230 r9 280x and you can Max almost any game 1080p  and a solid 30fps. Since the general rule is to spend half the cost of your rig on your GPU that would be about a $550 PC if planned well. In comparison consoles play at medium settings and less than 1080p30fps most of the time. For console level hardware you only need to spend $450.

you can run the most games with 60 fps and a lot better graphic than console with a 280x. if you play with a consolish graphic no game should be a problem to run with 60 fps and 1080p.

Yeah, I was talking about maxing games on ultra though. Games like AC Unity, The Evil Within, Dragon Age Inquisition, Watch Dogs run at about 40 fps maxed on a r9 280x @ 1080p. While any game from last year like Battlefield 4 or Crysis 3 will run at 60fps. That is after optimization though. I considered that somebody just wants to install and play without messing with settings, they'll easily get a locked 30fps on any game, if not more. 

im not sure if any pc can run watchdogs and acu in 60 fps. the games are just to broken. and crisis 3 dont run in 60 fps on ultra, just 40 fps in benchmarks.

Well not a locked 60 fps, but Crysis 3 can stay up there a lot of the time. With v-sync this is no problem. 

Here's an r9 280x 1080p vs. 1440p with very high settings on most things.


you said it, most things on, not all.^^ but who cares? even high looks better than ps4 in most games and runs butter smoth on a r280x or 270x

Well yeah, unless somebody buys the few top end GPU's and/or slis/crossfires mid-ranged ones they aren't going to be able to put all the sliders up and check all the boxes and run 60 fps no worries. But like you said, there is a lot in between that extreme and console performance. And it doesn't scale with price linearly, is my point. There are diminishing performance returns for each dollar spent above a certain GPU. In my opinion, the marginal cost above a 280x/290 is too high, and it gets higher with each next card.