HollyGamer said:
It's different from one game to another tho, i have the problem with ACU, watch Dog with My Nvidia 880M GTX, i understand it can be slightly benefit on greater specs, but it seems most games run almost the same graphic because most developer (multyplatform games) build on the same engine that can be use for multyple configuration and specs. |
Not for the r9 270 though. Your 880M GTX is much more of a different card with different advantages and disadvantages than an r9 270 is from a PS4. All are within the same ballpark performance, but the R9 270 is repackaged Radeon HD7870 with a higher clock speed, while the PS4's GPU is an underclocked HD 7870.
They are essentially the same gpu in everything but clock speed. The only benefit the PS4 has is that its memory is unified GDDR5, and that means it won't be constrained by VRAM in future games, but r9 270 should be fine with 2gb of Vram for the rest of the generation.