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WhiteEaglePL said:

I think it's when a game and is incredibly good and fun and polished.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Nintendo spent years understanding "Disney Magic". The magic is similar...and made to draw the attention hearts of children and families. Itsalso for people who are children at heart and like fun loving games.

So, you don't like having fun with games? Or are you talking about this thing called "manchild" that some people say and I don't understand or care about anyway?

Being a child at heart is not a bad thing, idk why so many people get offended by it. It basically just means u still have an active interest in hobbies or other things u liked as a kid and are a fun/silly person. As long as ur still a responsible and respectful adult, being a kid at heart in many people's view is a good thing.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a manchild and I'm proud of it, I love video games, cartoons, superhero movies and I'm an extremely fun loving, silly person with a positive outlook on things and i dont take life too seriously but I'm still a responsible, hardworking adult and a good husband & father. Those childish qualities are what made my wife to fall in love with me and that's why my daughter is my best friend, I'm pretty sure that's also the reason why I make friends instead of enemies.

As long as ur not a jobless, middle-aged man living in ur parents basement, playing video games all day then there is nothing wrong with being a child at heart.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.