Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
System: PC
Genre: Role-Playing Game
Year: 2003
Rank last year: 2 (=)
At second place, the best PC game and best role-playing game is undoubtedly Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. With other entries from the Star Wars universe, I already said I am a big Star Wars fan. This game however, doesn't need rose-tinted glasses for one to realize it's an amazing game and almost the best game of all time.
The engaging story of this long game takes the player all around the galaxy. A story so good, that it's better than most of the movies! It's a very pure Star Wars story which fits perfectly. Not only that, it has amazing gameplay with not a single flaw to be found and is polished beyond belief. The variety in planets and their stories, the variety in characters and the variety in and depth of quests give this game unlimited replayability. Moreover, it features what is probably the best video-game soundtrack ever made boasting not only Star Wars classics, but also new music that feel like they come from the mind of John Williams himself. The game got a sequel, The Sith Lords, which is also excellent, but fails to make it to the list because it was not really finished, leaving many aspects about that game a bit sloppy which among other things, resulted in an unsatisfying ending. A shame, because it had great potential. The first Knights of the Old Republic, fullfills that potential, and then some.