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Think argument reminds me of those Facebook posts I used to see that state how back in the 80s kids were called daydreamers when they didn't pay attention in class. Or how if a kid didn't play with others on the playground he was just deemed a "loner" and not Autistic. But today we have a medical diagnosis for all of these things and a reason to poor kids on pills. And while there is some truth to this notion there's also the fact that we'd not discovered these illnesses yet and many who needed help didn't get it.

To the point though, have you ever stopped to think that maybe all these fake miracle pills aren't around anymore because of the existence of the FDA? I hate to sound like a government schill but do you think people wouldn't push this crap if there were no agencies to police them? I often find that Americans will complain about things like these and call them "oppression". I guess that because I'm from another country that's had its issues with things like these I can appreciate the FDA to a point.

I think that certain things that people would want to do away with in this country are absolutely necessary to have in place. Why would anyone want to do away with the EPA? Because people no longer dump toxic waste in residential neighborhoods? Do you think that's because they've become good people or do you think it's because the EPA watches them? Or how about people (Rand Paul) who'd want to do away with the Civil Rights Act? Because people should have a right to open a public business but keep people out who are of a different race, sex, or creed. THAT'S BULLSH!T!!! And I'm no big fan of government oversight but I'm a realist who realizes that people usually will go as far as they're allowed to go. And yes, I'm ready for any comments about how I'm some government puppet.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!