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If you knew the kinda **** that goes down in the psychopharmaceuticals industry, you would ask if the FDA and other regulatory agencies might need more power. And I'm not talking placebos. The process by which psychological illnesses are added or removed from "the book" is essentially controlled by the drug companies and guess what coincidentally coincides with additions or broadening of definitions? That's right: can they sell a drug for it. And the prescribing process is out of control as a result. There are kids - especially orphans - in the States on anywhere from four to over a dozen psychotropic drugs at once. These are powerful drugs that can have serious effects on brain chemistry and functions. There are kids who come out of these situations braindamaged for goodness sake! That whole industry is completely screwed up with greed, corruption, and corporate politics and is a sterling example of how companies will jepordize your health or life for their bottom line. So no, the FDA isn't too powerful; such walls are needed.