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It should have released in 2012 with about the same redering capabilities as the xb1, probably with "only" 4 or 6gb of memory (not that I think that the xb1 is a great powerhouse, but I am trying to be realistic).

that would have allowed it to leave an impression as a powerful console, until the PS4 was announced, the headstart would have been use full and thirdparty support may have been on board (initial sales were good, until the impressions on the performance came about... Same as the xb1)...

'now, they could have released a weak console like they did, but at least make it cheap, 150 - 175$ at launch (especially considering that I must buy some external storage at the same time, that makes the wii u almost as expensive as the newer consoles!... Add the normal controller.. And it cost as much as the ps4!!!)