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Considering the popularity of the PlayStation brand worldwide, you might think the relationship between Sony's main leadership and its subsidiary, Sony Computer Entertainment (PlayStation)

Sony Computer Entertainment inc. Only has one Stock Holder, That is Sony, SCE inc. Stock as is Such as SCEE,SCEA etc. are not a division of Sony, they are a Division of SCE inc!, while SCE inc. is a


of Sony, and with no public (IPO)
and with Restrictions on that Stock, Sony will continue to OWN that stock.
No public buy in, if anything SCE inc. will get more investment and what would be left of Sony would in most part be more Playstation as is Sony. If Sony was set to be broken UP, Playstation is not a public Traded part of Sony its being "Held" as Sony is just a Holding Company of SCE inc.

Again SCE inc. Is a "Subsidiary" of Sony its not a Division of Sony.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.