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GribbleGrunger said:
sc94597 said:

You mentioned thar the PC wont have Xbone or PS4 exclusives. Well the same argument can be made for the Xbone/ps4 with regards to Pc, but also with regards to eachother. An xbone doesn't have PS4 exclusives nor does a PS4 have Xbone exclusives.

How many times can I say it. I don't care. As much as PC snobs like to promote the idea that you can buy a PC for the same price as a console, they always completely miss the whole point in wanting a console. If I wanted PC exclusives, I'd buy a PC. I'm sure people who do that always go for the cheapest PC ... no? It's absolutely nonsensical. Why put a PC together for the same price as a console when you can't play the console exclusives? There's no point. It's just some strange and utterly bizarre thinking.

Because there exist people who don't want console exclusives as much as you do. You aren't the only type of console gamer. There are also people who might enjoy PC exclusives more, and have distanced themselves from PC gaming because of myths they've heard. People don't just buy consoles because they prefer the exclusives. Otherwise there would be no point in an Xbone gamer trying to persuade a PS4 gamer to choose an Xbone instead, or vice-versa.