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pokoko said:
I can see it now.

Iwata: "Naughty Dog-san, we really think you make interesting games but we'd like to make a few suggestions before we greenlight your next project. First, please reduce your budget by 70%. Thank you and please be excited for this. Next, we feel there are too many cut-scenes. Related to that, the narrative is a bit too dense so please make the story more accessible to everyone, even the smallest child. We want to bring joy to families. Finally, we feel that more primary colors make games more enjoyable and that your characters are perhaps too realistic--please make them rounder, shorter, and more stylized. Also, have you considered making your main character a plumber? Just something to think about. Thank you, please have good news for our next meeting. Ah, and send in Santa Monica-san on your way out."

HAHA.... Shudders.