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SvennoJ said:

I game on both. Currently playing Spintires on my laptop, admittedly I had to scale it down to 1600x900 with medium draw distance, no motion blur etc for it to stay north of 20fps on my $1000 laptop. (I7 4700MQ + GeForce GT 740M) At least the upscaling somewhat hides the lack of AA :/
And I play DriveClub at night on my projector, very smooth, very fast, amazing surround sound.

A gaming pc would just be that, a gaming pc. Hard to justify nowadays after all my other pc needs are met by laptop, while I can already play the exclusives I like. Star citizen and VR may change my mind though.

PC online, I wish it would be less hassle. Maybe it's just the obscure games I like, but getting in a multiplayer session of Spintires fails 9 out of 10 times, if it can even find any active lobbies at all.

Any online issues for me are usually early access or indie games that aren't as popular and don't have the servers required to make it more popular, I usually play a game of Contagion a few nights a week but average on 1-3 games before there's a lack of players to play with for the game modes I'd want to play, for AAA online games I've had not many issues with them apart from games that are older and thus lack the support to play online.

I've already got quite a backlog to start with on Steam, some games on the side over at GoG, games on both Uplay and Origin I've yet to play and I've got my eye on some Wii U and XB1 games I'm looking to buy in the future so I can't really say I'm facing a lack of diversity, my only issue is my lack of time to play them along with having to be in the right mood to play many games every day.


I'd probably site my main issue with gaming on PC being that I want to game on max and plenty of FPS when possible, when I can't max a game out it simply stays uninstalled in the multiple libraries until I create a new build, I've got a new build planned for Jan with the help of two friends (one giving me a new CPU free of charge and the other his recent GTX 680 since he just bought a 980) which should make this build much cheaper than my last one which didn't work so well since my ex room mate screwed me out of the proper build and money, a mere setback though for about a year and a half but I've still been able to manage most of the games I've wanted to play.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"