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Nintendo currently has a higher risk of bankruptcy than Sony according to Macroaxis (the company everyone was using to prove Sony would go under earlier this year), with Sony sitting at a 46.66% chance of doing so in the next 2 years and Nintendo are at 76.9%.
Reports actually show Sony to be doing a lot better than people thought, their last run of losses weren't actual cash losses, but rather a balancing out of the previously over valued Mobile Phones division, it was a goodwill write down.
Many of Sony's divisions are actually highly profitable and past loss makers have either been turned around, separated into their own company or sold off entirely.
Sony are raking in the money now, with their Entertainment (movies and music), financials (insurance is their big profit maker, always does incredibly well), semi-conductor, gaming, devices, imaging and gaming are all highly profitable.
Mobiles as I say was a negative on paper, but in reality they actually either leveled or made a small profit.

Remember if you declare huge profits, then you have to pay huge amounts of business tax. ;)

Even if most of Sony's divisions were in such a bad state that they needed to sell off 80% of the company to survive they could just keep the few positives, of which Playstation is a part of and scale back to gaming and a small number of other parts of the company.
Playstation will be around for decades at least and Sony will continue to be the market leader in the console gaming sector most generations, if there's a console business to be had, then Sony will always be there.
Hell they could use a similar model to PS4 for their next handheld, build a reasonable piece of mobile gaming hardware, get all of the 3rd party content they want because of their highly positive relationship with 3rd party publishers, support it with their award winning 1st party games and take back the handheld market.
They made some silly mistakes with Vita, but that won't happen with the next Sony handheld games system, it just lacks games support, should have been cheaper and had cheaper memory cards or used SD cards, better still come with a built in HDD.