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Barozi said:
mtu9356 said:
Barozi said:

lol of course. Apparently those who didn't buy a PS3 for TLOU just weren't interested enough in the game. They could easily wait 10 more years.
And in case they would actually bother to wait that long, they could just buy a used PS3 with TLOU for under $100 in a year or two.

Why would someone want to buy old outdated hardware to play an inferior version of a game when its the same price on next gen hardware?

I just don't understand gamers today its like they feel they're being insulted when a publisher re-releases a game.  If you've already played it on previous hardware, move on and don't buy it.

don't change the assumptions.
You asked why people need to wait a decade until devs release a remaster. That implies the current TLOU on PS4 doesn't exist.

I have no problem with publishers re-releasing games, but I have a problem when it's done in a subpar way.

1. People who bought the original release just to see that an upgraded port/remaster is underway and set to release in a year or perhaps two. In times where there are so many things to play, they supported the dev/publisher on launch day/week and perhaps didn't even come around to play the game yet (or at least finish it).
-> less incentive for consumers to buy a game at launch
-> lower profits for publisher
-> higher possibility of studio getting bankrupt, lower game budgets, fewer reasons to do a remaster

2. Most of the remastered games aren't worth owning twice because they don't offer enough changes.
I'd really like to buy remastered games again, but only if there's reason to. Halo Anniversary/Zelda Wind Waker being prime examples. Just changing the resolution from 720p to 1080p and framerate from 30 to 60 however isn't really enough.
-> how often can you recycle the same game?
-> lowering my and everyone's chances to see a proper remaster when the time is right.

3. or worse it leads to publishers flooding the market with remaster after remaster (of the same game) every 2 or 3 years as I pointed out here:
It works great with Madden and FIFA, why wouldn't it work with other games?

1.  When a game is released a year before new hardware comes out you can pretty much expect it to be "remastered" (ported).  This "problem" will go away when games are built for then released on ps4/xbox.  

2.  If its not worth owning twice don't buy it.  How is this hurting anyone?

The word remastered is just a fancy way of saying port from last gen to this gen (for the most part).  Bottom line do your research before making any purchase.