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I appreciate your stance, but the VHS-DVD analogy is weak.

DVD, with its superior picture and sound, interactivity, and longer shelf life, was a huge improvement over VHS. To compare a PS3 game from 2013 to a PS4 game from 2014 and couch that comparison in terms of the migration from VHS to DVD doesn't work.

To answer your question, I, for one, have bad feelings about remasters, specfically the type of remasters that are popping up with greater frequency this generation.

Let me say that I totally appreciate the sentiment that "more games are always better." But I also appreicate the fact that these one, two, and three-year old ports, or "remasters," suggest that studios are making them to impel consumers to pay twice for the same product. If Microsoft wants to honor the tenth anniversary of Halo 2 with a remaster or Nintendo wants to bring Majora's Mask to 3DS 14 years later, I'm fine with that. But games like The Last of Us, DmC, and Tomb Raider  -- all of which would be unnecessary if backward compatibilty was standard operating procedure, by the way -- seem like cynical money grabs.