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And women can avoid abortion by wearing a condom so... It's silly to think the condom is the responsibality of the man only, the condom is the responsability of both.

The law can easily be changed, at least just by letting the man choose to not be the father of the child, be " under X " without being forced to do anything, like they allow for women even if the woman wants him to recognize the child and pay for him. If the woman has the choice to legally not take care of her child and give him up without being guilty and called coward, a man shouuld have that choice too

Why do people think men have no choices? If the mother doesn't want the child (not meaning abortion) the father has a right to full custody or putting the kid up for adoption. If he gets custody he would also get child-support from the mother. You got be kidding yourself if you think that women who put up for adoption or abort their child aren't thought of as cowardly.

So you don't see what's wrong with what I've bolded there?

Your facile approach to this whole issue betrays your lack of ability for critical thought. In your mind, 9 months of pregnancy is of equal worth to whatever uncapped financial obligation is imposed on a father? An obligation that in some jurisdictions can extend to 22 years, and may amount to as much as millions in child support? Is the father some sort of tortfeasor in your mind that must compensate the mother by way of "damages" through support now for impregnating her? Is every woman who brings a child to term not doing so willingly in this millenium?

Unequal treatment by the state has been judicially defined as "imposing a burden or witholding a benefit" from/on one class of person and not another ("class" being sex, sexual orientation, race, marital status, etc.) see Big M Drug Mart Canadian Supreme Court. If a custodial parent is not required by the state to provide their child with progressive financial support where that amount is tied to that parent's income, but a non-custodial parent is,  you have an unequal burden and thus discrimination and unequal treatment. I won't even get into the injustice of failing to provide fathers with a "legal abortion", but clearly I would agree with those who oppose your view on that issue.

Please find me the case where a single mother making 6 figures was jailed for buying her children's clothes at Walmart or depriving them of an Xbox One AND a PS4.

Ok I did my part, I bought No More Heroes, but they were out of Zach and Wiki.

Ok got Zach and Wiki, now if I could just finally finish Twilight Princess so I can play all these Wii games I got waiting. And no I won't buy Okami.

DNF, now there is a game that should have been scrapped completely. Reminds me of a kid whose been in school for 12 years and still doesn't know what he wants to do. At one point you just need to man up and get a job.