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Ruler said:

-wrong upscalling doesnt make a difference if the resolution is allready progressive. 

Link? Sounds like BS to me. Upscaling makes a major difference, especially when a game is optomized for the console, which isn't possible on PC.

-yes it is alot bad for the enverment these batteries need a 100 years to decomposate.

And the components in your console will take tons of time to decompose to. And what about the coal smog or nuclear waste generated by the power company when you charge a controller? A few batteries every year doesn't make much of a difference when you consider all the burnt coal and nuclear waste generated just for keeping your television, console, and household in general running.

Why i turn off vibration? because do you see having mouse and keyboard or arcadesticks having vibration? Its uncompetive feature and makes you play worse, i only use it for survival horrors games mostly because these games usually dont have a lifebar.

Lol, most people couldn't care less about being competitive when playing Halo or Little Big Planet with their buddies. A bit of vibration alerts you to things going on in the game and makes it more immersive. Not sure if you remember, but Sony tried taking out vibration from the industry with the Sixaxis controller, and gamers were furious. When you're just playing to have fun, the extra functionality of the rumble is much appreciated.

-i said its my opnion, and yeah if you spend 400 dollars and except it to be a media center i dont think you are a gamer. The ps3 i liked primarily for being able to you play online for free, no region lock, i can download foreign games with a different account and i can replace my harddrive with regular 2.5 standard. I havent played 1 single blue ray in my life on my ps3. But i apreciate it having blue ray because its much much harder to scratch this format unlike dvds, so there is less to worry about for the ps3 by buying used games from average joe.

When did I say you have to expect it to be a media center? Your statement is very shortsighted, especially considering that a console is not a small investment. In this era, most people use their consoles for more than just gaming. People don't want to go out and buy a $100 dedicated machine for playing their media, when their console can do it just fine. Having some extra functionality is always a good thing that adds value to your console, especially when said funtionality doesn't increase the price of the console. Playing some extra video files or having support for external media is a nice freebie for people who don't want to spend money buying dedicated media devices.

Comments in bold.

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