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OK, there's people complaining about MS & Sony coming out with new motion-sensing controllers, but I don't see why. The Wii is supposed to be this new 'great' advancement in gaming but then when Sony & MS try to do it most people just call BS. If anything the motion-sensing controller on the PS3 & 360 would be the better experience considering the better detail in their games. So my question is, why are people complaining about it, and don't talk about 'pride' or 'honor' when a company copies another because that's part of business, especially this one. I mean what? You want me to acknowledge that Nintendo did it first, OK, Nintendo did it first, but Sony & MS might do it better, who knows.

The way I see it though is that motion-sensing controls only work with a few select games. RE:4 Wii Edition was amazing and I had already played both versions before it. But that's about all I've liked so far for the Wii, but that's just me.