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*types up huge post*

*it all gets deleted*

f*** salkdjadsijqpwdipoasdipasd


tl;dr I have like 30+ Wii U games (probably more, too lazy to count) and about 50 3DS games (have had 4 3DS's btw, only traded in one of them) and chuck money at Nintendo constantly so if I'm not a fanboy I'm not sure who is


also paid premium for my Wii U, bought all 12 or w/e of the first amiibos, constantly say good things about them/defend them, etc.


I will say though that I also criticize them constantly for the things they could do better IMO and their shortcomings and such, and I also play other consoles, so I really just happen to like Nintendo games etc. a lot and I try not to go insane about defending them like some unreasonable "fans" -_-