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Psyberius said:
Insidb said:

To be fair, about 50% of that list will attract the average buyer, and that is not an insignificant amount.

Sorry don't agree.  Great packaging, word of mouth, for sure knowledge(ie used a previous version), good marketing are going to sell games.


Looking at a list...not so much.  


As for 3rd party...I see that market becoming much much more focused.  There's a lot of crap out there that is getting bought and people are getting burned by it.  Expect backlashes due to this(see reasons listed above).

If Halo attracts the average gamer, then Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Disgaea, Batman, Metal Gear, DOA, Mortal Kombat, God of War, and (after the expected media blitz) The Order and Bloodborne do, as well.