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The pie-in-the-sky dream of no exclusives is a silly dream. But even if all games were on PC (without emulation and other shady shenanigans), I'd still get the best console possible first.*

For anyone about to ask why - aside from small tweaks, like controller configuration & analog sensitivity, I'm not a fan of tweaking, modifying, or otherwise customizing my gaming experience in the least - an admittedly weird part of me likes the idea of a shared experience in gaming, where the game I'm playing right now is the same that everyone else is playing, the exact vision the developers had in mind when coding it. (On a lesser note, keyboards and gaming don't mix for me in any capacity. At least more and more PC games are using controllers, but it's still an issue I have.)

* Note I said first, as even right now I'm looking to build a PC so the wife can play Sims 3 or whatever number it's on. Might give this PC gaming thing another shot, as the result should be reasonably more powerful than my PS4.