GoldenEye 007
System: Nintendo 64
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Year: 1997
Rank last year: 7 (v 2)
GoldenEye 007 is without a doubt a very important game in the history of video gaming. It was no less the blueprint of how first-person shooter games could work on a console. Luckily for all of us, this pioneering attempt was also one of great quality. So much so, that it's the highest placed of it's genre, on the list.
GoldenEye is how I want to see my shooter games. With a host of missions, all seperately selectable and in various difficulty settings. On top op that, the game features a long list of unlocakble 'cheat-codes', which further add replay value to an already great game. The main course is of course, the multiplayer, which is still one of the best multiplayer experiences to be had, at least on consoles. The 7th Gen remake released on Wii (later on also on the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360) recaptures a lot of this old game and successfully puts it in a modern package. It won't however be, as groundbreaking as this original title.