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Veknoid_Outcast said:
DanneSandin said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

After playing A Link Between Worlds, I wouldn't be surprised if combat and exploration took a front seat in Zelda for Wii U. The problem, as always, is that it's much easier to manage combat in a two-dimensional space. Still, with a world so big, exploration should be a big factor for the next Zelda.

But I do understand Peelman's point. If you change the formula too much, it stops being Zelda.

I agree that changing too much isn't good, but just... tweak what you already have and it'll be fine =)

What I really want to see is "puzzle enemies", like in OoT, TP and SS. I really liked how you had to learn technics in TP to beat certain enemies. More of that! And I liked how you had to slize certain enemies in a certain way in SS

Oh, that was great, especially in Skyward Sword. Even battles with minor enemies were fun because you had to use a specific strategy.

I know! Now, I don't want EVERY enemy to be a "puzzle", some you just wanna be able to run through, but I sure wouldn't mind more mini boss' type of enemies

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

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