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DanneSandin said:
S.Peelman said:
"Huge Open World"...

I'm not sure what I need to think about "Rethinking Zelda Conventions" yet, I mean, aren't those what made us love the series in the first place? But no, I know they won't change it that drastically and from the looks of it they actually mean something more along the lines of "Harking back to ye olden days", which I'm more than okay with obviously .

Some conventions really need to be re-thought. Id much rather enjoy something like the original game in 3d than another OoT rehash. Not that OoT is bad, mind you! I just wanna see more exploration and action this time around

After playing A Link Between Worlds, I wouldn't be surprised if combat and exploration took a front seat in Zelda for Wii U. The problem, as always, is that it's much easier to manage combat in a two-dimensional space. Still, with a world so big, exploration should be a big factor for the next Zelda.

But I do understand Peelman's point. If you change the formula too much, it stops being Zelda.