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Cheebee said:
zorg1000 said:

U guys don't seem to understand, Nintendo doesn't need consumers to buy both. By having a console and a handheld that cost the same and have all the same games, it allows consumers to buy the device based on what their preferences are. Currently we have 3DS at 48m and Wii U at 8m, for a total of 56m. Even if 75% of Wii U owners have a 3DS, that's still 50m.

The point is some people will choose the handheld, some will choose the console but by having both devices share a library, it allows games like Tropical Freeze, 3D World, Mario Kart 8 to sell better because they are no longer hindered by being on a single device with a low install base. If those games were on 3DS they could easily sell 3-4x as much

This also allows Nintendo to pump out games at a faster rate by not having to develop software for two seperate devices and significantly reduced 1st party software droughts.

By the end of this generation 3DS+Wii U sales will likely be around 80m, 70m or so when taking out the people who own both. Nintendo's objective is to maximize software output and software sales while keeping these 70m or customers happy.

Quoted for importance.

These are some of the most important points of this whole discussion, yet people seem to be completely missing and/or ignoring them here, leading to arguments that are completely irrelevant to this entire thread. Read this post and grasp the reality of the situation, guys!

I kinda blame the OP for the confusion, it just kinda rants about what do MS/Sony need to do to react, when in all honesty they really don't need to do anything. They offer poweful, multimedia devices with AAA western games and are finding alot of success with this approach, Nintendo's strategy doesn't affect this in any meaningful way so alot of the posters in here are just arguing against that aspect.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.