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JustBeingReal said:

If Nintendo launches in 2018, while Sony & Microsoft launch in 2019 there's only a year gap, we're passed the architecture shift, the tech can be very comparable to PS5 and XB2, the performance difference would depend on whether Nintendo decides to go with a small form factor box again, along with cost, although PS4 is noticeably more powerful than XB1, while PS4 actually has the smaller form factor.

If Nintendo doesn't wait until 2018 and decides to bite the bullet and launch with older tech of say 2016 they will be shooting themselves in the foot again, potentially giving themselves a Wii vs PS3/360 situation again and they definitely don't want that, especially if they're not in a situation where they can sell to a much wider audience with a gimmick like motion gaming.

A 2018 launch for the NNES (New Nintendo Entertainment System, it's the name I think Nintendo should go with for their next console) seems like a good and logical time for Nintendo to release their next console, it offers up use of truly next-generation processing and memory hardware, which most importantly starts to become cost effective when you look at future tech developments and how the market works.

But how likely is it that Nintendo will wait until 2018 to launch new hardware? 3DS is down YOY, and will only decline further, Wii U isn't selling well at all, so what choice to they have? 2017 seems pretty reasonable to me. I agree that they should delay the launch for as long as possible, so that they have a comparable console to sonys and MSs, but considering their situation....

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.