No one? C'mon guys! :P
#11: This game was the first one of the franchise to be localized. It features three main characters, one which you play as during the tutorial/prologue, and then the second one, on which the other two (among other less important characters too) follow. Beating the game grants you an extra "Hard Mode", on which then the game finally focus on that third protagonist, and gives his perspective of things during the story of the second protagonist.
It was the top-selling game of the franchise until the new installment on the 3DS dethroned it.
#10: This last game on what was supposed to be a trilogy (more games released afterwards) gave us the chance to play for the first time as the antagonist and friend of the main character on previous entries, on a moment on which the main character was sick and unable to go on for the moment being.
This game proved that people can be fooled by using cardboard and hair gel in a very specific way.