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Recently there is a news that give us a hint,  that the next Nintendo console is coming in the near future. Some of us from avid fans, old veteran fans, new and young Nintendo fans are debating how will they become, what is their market target, will they competing  with PS and Xbox brand on the same market again, will they trying to compete with Apple, Google tablet/ handled device, or maybe creating another blue oceans by innovating on new device like what they did with Wii on 6 gen era? I created 4 faction with their own benefit and risk  .

1. Red Oceans console Market, competing on the same market with PS and Xbox brand, by creating normal console but more powerful then their competitor

2. Red Oceans Handled/tablet Market, competing on the same market with Apple, Android, Lumia on casual tablet and smart device, by creating a fusion between Handled and Console.

3. Blue Oceans Market, competing with none , like what they did before with Wii and becoming the King of their own blue Ocean market,  by creating something that never exist before or something that out of the box, but with a risk like Wii.

4. Ambiguity Oceans Market, competing with both Red Ocean console and Red Ocean handled/Tablet, but with a risk like Wii U

So where do you stand?