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Soriku said:
VenatusRex said:

Actually, the meaning of life, why the universe was created was create our immortal souls to get to heaven to spend an eternity of love with God and our fellow inhabitents of heaven. There are eye witness testimonies to this you know.

This is a pretty lame meaning of life. And it seems to relate more to an afterlife than anything to do with this life. If God wanted to, he could've just made us live in heaven from the start.

You can find "eye witness testimonies" in like every religion. They mean nothing.

o_O.Q said:
now i'm not religious myself but what i find funny is the belief by atheists that they are any less manipulated than religious folk

it honestly makes me laugh when i see atheists talking down to religious people

and of course not all atheists are close minded but i've seen a lot that treat the science of our current era as dogma just like what they accuse the religious people of doing

quantum physics has shown that matter appears to be conscious

also at this point in time our instrumentation is able to measure less than 5% of the matter in the universe... the scientific community just calls the rest dark matter or energy at this point

i have a respect for science but i can't trust its wider conclusions on the universe when it can't even measure the vast majority of it

You say this like religions have anything credible to say regarding the universe. They were all created by people who knew very little of the universe and its mechanics. Science is our only method of understanding anything, and it will continue to improve.

well i'll give you an example of what i mean; today we laugh about how doctors a century ago used mercury which is a highly poisonous substance as a "miracle cure"

a century from now the same process is going to happen provided that we continue improving as we have been doing

meaning that our current understanding of the universe is going to be rejected as stupidity as our comprehension grows

btw science came out of religion or more specifically it came from philosophers who started the process of posing questions about the environment

these philosophers for the most part had a belief in god and layed the foundation for our understanding of the world today: plato, pythagoras, socrates, hermes etc etc etc 

the god they believed in though was not the god of the bible