#11. Nope, FE:A was 2013, and the series has not been dormant at all. Unfortunately, somebody else has already guessed this one correctly.
#10. Ding! I loved the hell out of the original (so much so that it's earlier on this list :) ), so it would be natural that I was hyped as all hell when this was announced. And boy oh boy was I not disappointed. It looks absolutely stunning, has an obnoxiously catchy main soundtrack, and controls fairly well... once you get used to it, that is. I was worried as all hell when they revealed multiplayer, so I was relieved and elated when it turned out to be as strong as the rest of the game. However, all of this would have been for naught if they had kept the charm that makes Nintendo games so revered and so fun to replay, but Luigi had charm in spades, from his clips to his animation, it's all just so lovingly made that you can't help but grin. I generally refer to this as both my game of the year for 2013 and it still remains as my favorite 3DS game, and it's only since this games release that I've played Fire Emblem, A Link Between Worlds, and Kid Icarus: Uprising which is #11... That should show how highly I regard this game.