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PullusPardus said:

The Malaysian plane thing and then the Sony hack. 


But then we have Saudia Arabia which is the birth place of islamism and have constantly puked out alqaeda and Islamic group leaders everywhere. They just keep silent about it and just say "it's a minority issue with extremists! I love to suck the king cock in exchange for oil!"

Why create so many enemies when your allies are fucking you over the arsehole and making you their bitch for as long as I remember? Did nk or Russia constantly blow themselves killing your own people?  Did the "commies" do 9/11?  Did north Korea ever attack USA? Does putin constantly say "death to America death to Israel curse the jews victory to islam" ?  

Americans love to create more enemies and love to love the ones they hurt them the most. 

You guys are weird.

Everyone's opinion on you is low and terrible. Instead of going to fix things you just keep creating more enemies to go to war with. I understand it is because you want to spend your army somehow to pay the taxes and pay off that massive debt. But why a country that glorifies it's own "freedom of speech" is so propaganda driven?

You seem rather uneducated about a lot of this stuff, so I'll educate you.

First with North Korea. It wasn't actually the news media who began pointing the finger at North Korea. Sony Pictures was the first to make the suggestion that North Korea might have been behind it since the North Korean government was quite vocal about their dislike of The Interview earlier this year. The news media, like with everything else they report on simply ran with it. It was later the FBI who actually claimed it was indeed North Korea who was behind it. Could the FBI be wrong? It's possible, but given North Korea's own history of doing stuff like this and the fact that the hackers were content on stopping that film from being released, there isn't a good reason to not suspect that North Korea was behind it in some way.

The you asked if North Korea ever attacked the USA? Yes, they actually did, although technically speaking, they attacked Americans who were fighting under the UN flag. If you knew your history, you would know that North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 which started the Korean War. The United States Marines led a UN force to drive North Korea out of South Korea. Americans were killed in this war. The war stopped after an armistice was signed but no formal peace ever made, meaning that North Korea and South Korea are still in a state of war. Since America was in that war, that also means America is still technically at war with North Korea. Aside from the war, the USA has been blackmailed and screwed over by North Korea numerous times. The US promised them what amounted to economic welfare if they would give up their nuclear program. They would agree to it, but not abide by the agreement. Not to mention, they have made absolutely no effort to try and be anything close to being friends given the type of anti-American and anti-Japanese propaganda their government has produced in the past and still produces.

Now about Saudi Arabia. I guess you don't know this, but al-Qaeda HATES the Saudi Royal Family. Yes, Osama bin Laden was originally from Saudi Arabia as well as other terrorists, but did you know that he came to hate that government when they formed close ties to the US? Did you know that he was deported from Saudi Arabia back in 1994? Did you also know that Saudi Arabia's own oil refineries are heavily guarded by their military because of their own fear of terrorism? This is well known information. Nobody's trying to hide the fact that the US buys oil from a country that has been the home of some of the world's most infamous terrorists. 

As for propaganda, yeah, the news media does that. It's not really a government cospiracy or anything like that. America's news media is controlled by privately owned multi-billion dollar corporations. So what they report goes along with their agenda more than it does with the government's agenda. They say whatever they feel will bring them the most ratings. After all, if America's media was government-influenced like Russia's news media, then the news media would not have made Edward Snowden look like a national hero. You would never have seen any interviews of him. You would never hear about the corruption at the NSA or anything like that. So why did the major news networks do new reports that were so unfavorable of the government. It's because it's what brings in the ratings. It doesn't matter what the government prefers. 

So the whole Orwellian theory of "American creates enemies to go to war with to justify the military industrial complex" is bullshit. If that were the case, then we would be ending the embargo on Cuba. We would instead be looking for a reason to go to war with them.

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