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method114 said:
DerNebel said:
The fact that the less than 7000 sales on PS3+Vita out of over 100k sales made up 43% of the total revenue really underlines how important consoles are for indie devs. You just have way less price dumping on a console.

Yea that's crazy. It's like I always say though even when MS and Sony are doing those huge bundles and offering all these games. Someone is losing money somewhere. We win as consumers but sometimes we forget that their is a cost.

Are they really losing money when their game doesn't sell well in the first place and the only way to get people interested in their game is with huge discounts/bundles? I think the point that the developers made was that without the dicosunts/bundles the game would have had no exposure and would have been a huge flop. 

I'm sure Sony/MS can't decide on their own. So the developers/publishers decide if they want to offer their game in a bundle/discount. The only reason to do that is either to increase sales. In the case of popular games,  I think Sony/MS are the ones paying extra for the bundle. In a way everyone wins.