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I got 6-8 hours in, struggled with one of the bosses (was stuck with Lightning & Hope for it, big chunky monster IIRC), and said forget it. Try as I might, I couldn't get a feel for any of the characters and I have no idea what the creators were even trying to do with the plot. Lots of action with no real emotional investment or feel of danger, lots of seemingly aimless moving around from spot to spot for often unfathomable reasons...did I mention it's hard to care about anything when the only hooks you're given are unlikable characters and a setting that is only explained through a Destiny-esque grimoire?

Up until #13, I've finished even my least favorite Final Fantasy installments - #2 had a broken system, but could be worked around, #9 was absolutely dull all-around, but at least the plot was coherent - but #13 broke that streak. I could have even dealt with the aggravating Active Time Menu Surfing combat system if there was just something or someone to care about, somewhere in that hot mess.